I am Celine, a french full stack developer based in Silicon Valley.
I live in Mountain View, California with my husband and our cat Niki.
I have a wide range of interests from animals and health and fitness to software and hardware security, electric cars, video games, electronic music or shooting guns!
Since I was a kid, I was crazy about animals that's why I decided to build PetSquare, my first startup. PetSquare was a web search engine dedicated to animal owners. PetSquare was created to help pet and animal owners to find good products and places for their animals.
Soon after I moved to the US I attended my first DEF CON in Las Vegas and I fell in in love with hacking and security. I gave my first talk at DEF CON 22 about video games and another talk on cheating at poker at DEF CON 24. I am now a DEF CON Goon in XZBT team!
Since shutting down my startup I have been focused on non profit work, I created Cyber Security Technologies Foundation, a 501c3 non profit organization dedicated to enabling a trustworthy cyberworld for all. Our main product: TrueTesting is focused on testing and recommending products that you can buy online without conflict of interests.
Today, I’m a full stack developer looking for a new opportunity. Meanwhile I am improving my frontend skills with React and Typescript on an online museum for vintage playing cards created by Etteilla Foundation.